Vuzix Corp (NASDAQ:VUZI) posted its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, November, 7th. The company reported ($0.18) EPS for the quarter, missing the Zacks' consensus estimate of ($0.16) by $0.02. The company had revenue of $1.16 million for the quarter. Vuzix had a negative net margin of 335.28% and a negative return on equity of 82.90%. The Zacks Equity Research reports, or ZER for short, are our in-house, independently produced research reports. The ever popular one-page Snapshot reports are generated for virtually every single Zacks Ranked stock. Vuzix Corp. Vuzix Corp. engages in the design, manufacture, marketing, sale, and supply of augmented reality wearable display devices. Its products include personal display and wearable computing devices that offer users a portable viewing experience, provide solutions for mobility, wearable displays and virtual and augmented reality.